Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Night Sky

I've always been interested in night sky photography.  Night sky photography is actually what sparked my deeper interest in photography in college; my collection of old Soviet-era manual cameras speaks well to that point.

When I moved more to digital photography I always thought that the night sky photos I'd been able to pull off with film - and more importantly with a commercial photo lab at my disposal when I worked at Ritz - were beyond what I could do with digital.  Recently, I've been trying to prove myself wrong.

The above is a combination of around sixty 30-second exposures, each exposure separated from the next by around 30 seconds.  The north star is in the upper right corner.  The big dipper started in the upper left corner and moved through the frame through the exposure (for those who want to try to pick out individual stars).

Also caught in frame were a number of planes and a number of fireflies.

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