Monday, May 9, 2011

Obligatory Inaugural Post

Welcome to my blog. 

Could I sound less interested in that statement?  I feel like that's how this has to start. 

I've had blog-type things in the past, and could never really get into them.  I think that part of it was lack of belief on my part that I had anything really worthwhile to say on a blog.  The internet has become so saturated these days that it seems hard to worry about any more.  Further, I'm not sure I care if anyone else cares about what I have to say.  I anticipate this as a sort of creative outlet for myself, regardless of audience.  So, I guess you've been warned.

I suspect that a few main trends will emerge as this gets going, so I'll see if I can't organize things in a good way to keep things navigable.  Feedback appreciated.

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