Friday, May 20, 2011

Playtesting Arkham Horror Portal 2 Version

So I had a chance to play the Arkham Horror Portal 2 Variant last night with a few other people, and the overall consensus was that it worked pretty well.  There were a few things that could potentially use some tweaking, so I'll probably do that in the next week or so when I can spare a bit of time.

To begin though I'll hit a few of the bullet points of how things played.

  1. The initial overall plan of the game was to play with GLaDOS (ancient one)/Wheatley (guardian) and then at the halfway point switch to Wheatley (ancient one)/GLaDOS (guardian).  We made it though the first part with GLaDOS as the ancient one and Wheatley as the guardian, and that took a bit of time.  GLaDOS' doom track got up to 9 out of 12 before we woke and defeated her.  It may be that I need to take the doom track down a bit to make it workable as a two part game. 
  2. At the beginning I was fairly torn with character selection, as I couldn't decide which to play.  I eventually took Chell, and she played fairly well.  I ended up spending a huge chunk of the game completing the story, which meant I ended up neglecting her power of falling through gates.  I was happy that I felt that my actions had to be one or the other, and that I was faced with a dilemma of which I should be worrying about.  Chell also turned out to be great at sneaking, which worked well with turrets, and is something I rarely ever end up doing with other characters.  
  3. The turrets were nice, as they actually did make sneak into something a bit more useful rather than just something you sometimes do to stop yourself from dying.  They were also nice in that they were fairly often found guarding piles of clue tokens, rather than just having clue tokens be free for the taking.  
  4. Cultists were good, though a game mechanism made them +2 toughness, for an overall +4 toughness, which was very difficult for a while during that effect.  Cultists and turrets overall appeared fairly frequently, which caused us to hit the monster limit more times than we ever have before.  This was great, because we were actually really worrying about the terror track, which we usually aren't.  At game end the terror track was at 9, and all the stores were closed.
  5. The robots' stories were not as easy as I thought, as Atlas ended up failing his in fairly short order, and P-Body simply never finished either way.  It might be the case that I can make the rewards for them a little better to compensate.  Gordon's story was meant to be solved in the Wheatley part of the game, and turned out to be very hard in the first part.  The idea was that any character could get a card that sent you to the science building to have an encounter, where they could then drop a portal for him to enter.  It simply didn't happen.
  6. The gravity gun may have been a little overpowered on the combat bonus, but the special action was never used.  I may need to work that in a little better.
  7. The portal guns were used a bit, but were drastically nerfed by having them wiped when you entered a gate.  Atlas started the game in Kingsport and left a portal there, but after returning was knocked unconscious, wiping it.  Later P-Body was able to produce a stable link between Arkham and Kingsport, which was useful.  Overall, I was worried these were going to be overpowered, but they actually played very nicely.  If anything it might make sense to take the moment cost away from them to make them a little more usable. 
  8. I was afraid that clue tokens were going to be very easy to come by, but it turned out that they really just kept piling up on gates.  Since you don't get them until you close/seal the gate, they didn't help in sealing, so you still had to be aware of how many clue tokens you had at any given time.  There were two or three turns where as a group we failed to get the necessary 2 clue tokens, and at the end of the game the board was getting pretty sparse in terms of clue tokens remaining.  
  9. There was a lot of rolling at the beginning of rounds, and it was a touch confusing who had to roll what when.  It might make sense to just have one person roll three dice in sequence or something.  Also, we decided that cultists should be played before mythos, as then they move during that turn.
  10. GLaDOS was not very hard to defeat, though we had a decent number of weapons and things by that point.  We all had a decent number of clue tokens from closing late-game gates, as well, so she wasn't really a huge threat.  It might make sense to make her a bit tougher.  

Anyway, that's how it played through the first time.  Like I said I'll tweak some things on some of the cards and repost them with changes.  Do certainly take the time to leave comments if you have a chance to playtest this yourself or have any other thoughts or comments.

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